Function: Change auxiliary tracing options.
Description: For more information about traces, see the
CICS Problem Determination Guide
. See also the description
of the CETR transaction, Chapter 16, “CETR—trace control”
on page 221.
Syntax: Press the Clear key to clear the screen. There are
two ways of commencing this transaction:
Type CEMT SET AUXTRACE (the minimum abbreviation is
CEMT S AUX). You get a display that lists the current
status, similar to that obtained by CEMT INQUIRE
AUXTRACE. You can then tab to the highlighted or
blank fields and overtype them with the required values.
Type CEMT SET AUXTRACE (CEMT S AUX) followed by one
or more attribute settings that you wish to change. For
example, cemt s aux sto a stops auxiliary tracing and
causes automatic switching to occur as necessary.
Typing ? at the beginning of either the first or second line
gives a syntax prompt. Resetting the values takes effect
─ ──CEMT Set AUXtrace ──┬ ┬─────── ──────────────
─ ──┬ ┬────────── ────┬ ┬──────── ─
├ ┤─NOswitch─ └ ┘─SWitch─
├ ┤─NExt─────
└ ┘─All──────
Specifies that automatic switching between the two
auxiliary trace data sets is to occur as necessary until
the end of this CICS session, without the need for
operator intervention.
Automatic switching of the auxiliary trace data set is to
occur when the current trace data set is full, but not
Switching between the auxiliary trace data sets is not to
occur without operator intervention.
Auxiliary tracing is to stop, but the data set is to remain
open. A subsequent START request causes trace
entries to be written immediately following those that
were written before the PAUSE request.
CICS is to start auxiliary tracing and open the auxiliary
trace data set if it is currently closed.
CICS is to stop auxiliary tracing and close the auxiliary
trace data set. A subsequent START request causes
new trace entries to be written at the start of the data
set, thereby overwriting the trace entries that were
written before the STOP request.
specifies that an immediate switch from the current
auxiliary trace data set is to be made to the alternate
trace data set.
162 CICS Supplied Transactions