Function: Set attributes of the CICS DB2 connection including the pool and command thread attributes.
Syntax: Press the Clear key to clear the screen. To commence this transaction:
Type CEMT SET DB2CONN (the minimum abbreviation is CEMT S DB2C). You get a display that lists the current status, similar
to that obtained by CEMT INQUIRE DB2CONN. You can then tab to the highlighted or blank fields and overtype them with
the required values.
Type CEMT SET DB2CONN (CEMT S DB2C) followed by one or more attribute settings that you wish to change.
Typing ? at the beginning of either the first or second line gives a syntax prompt. Resetting the values takes effect immediately.
┌ ┐───────────────────────────── ┌ ┐─────────────────────────────
─ ──CEMT Set DB2Conn ───
┴┬┬───────────────────────── ───
┴┬┬───────────────────────── ─
├┤──┬ ┬──ACCOUNTREC(cvda) ─── ├ ┤──DB2ID(data-area) ───────
││├┤─UOW────────────── ├ ┤──MSGQUEUE1(data-area) ───
││├┤─TASK───────────── ├ ┤──MSGQUEUE2(data-area) ───
││├┤─TXID───────────── ├ ┤──MSGQUEUE3(data-area) ───
││└┘─NONE───────────── ├ ┤──┬ ┬──NONTERMREL(cvda) ───
├┤──AUTHID(data-area) ────── │ │├┤─RELEASE──────────
├┤──┬ ┬──AUTHTYPE(cvda) ───── │ │└┘─NORELEASE────────
││├┤─GROUP────────── ├ ┤──PLAN(data-area) ────────
││├┤─SIGN─────────── ├ ┤──PLANEXITNAME(data-area)
││├┤─TERM─────────── ├ ┤──┬ ┬──PRIORITY(cvda) ─────
│ │├┤─TX───────────── │ │├┤─HIGH───────────
│ │├┤─OPID─────────── │ │├┤─EQUAL──────────
│ │└┘─USERID───────── │ │└┘─LOW────────────
├┤──COMAUTHID(data-area) ─── ├ ┤──PURGECYCLEM(data-area)─
├┤──┬ ┬──COMAUTHTYPE(cvda)── ├ ┤──PURGECYCLES(data-area)─
││├┤─CGROUP──────────── ├ ┤──SECURITY(REBUILD) ──────
││├┤─CSIGN───────────── ├ ┤──SIGNID(data-area) ──────
││├┤─CTERM───────────── ├ ┤──┬ ┬──STANDBYMODE(cvda)──
│ │├┤─CTX─────────────── │ │├┤─NOCONNECT─────────
│ │├┤─COPID───────────── │ │├┤─CONNECT───────────
│ │└┘─CUSERID─────────── │ │└┘─RECONNECT─────────
├┤──COMTHREADLIM(data-area)├ ┤──STATSQUEUE(data-area)──
├┤──┬ ┬──CONNECTERROR(cvda)─ ├ ┤──TCBLIMIT(data-area) ────
││├┤─ABEND────────────── ├ ┤──THREADLIMIT(data-area)─
││└┘─SQLCODE──────────── └ ┘──┬ ┬──THREADWAIT(cvda) ───
└┘──┬ ┬──CONNECTST(cvda)── ── ├ ┤─TWAIT────────────
├┤─CONNECTED───────── ├ ┤─NOTWAIT──────────
├┤─NOTCONNECTED────── └ ┘─N96─────────────
specifies the minimum amount of DB2 accounting
required for transactions requiring pool threads. The
specified minimum may be exceeded, as described in
the following options. CVDA values are:
The CICS DB2 attachment facility causes an
accounting record to be produced for each UOW,
assuming that the thread has been released at the
end of the UOW.
The CICS DB2 attachment facility causes a
minimum of one accounting record for each CICS
task to be produced.
A transaction containing multiple UOWs may use
a different thread for each of its UOWs (assuming
the thread is released at syncpoint). The result
may be an accounting record produced for each
The CICS DB2 attachment facility causes an
accounting record to be produced when the
transid using the thread changes.
Because pool threads are typically used by a
number of different transaction IDs, there is an
increased chance that a transaction containing
multiple UOWs will use a different thread for each
UOW (assuming the thread is released at
syncpoint. In this case an accounting record may
be produced for each UOW.
No accounting records are required for
transactions using pool threads.
DB2 does, however, produce at least one
accounting record for each thread when the thread
Chapter 11. Master terminal CEMT 167