Function: Retrieve information about an external data set.
Description: INQUIRE DSNAME returns information
about the status of a data set managed by CICS file control.
The data set name is either the name specified on the DSN
parameter of the data set’s DD statement, or the DSNAME
parameter of the data set’s file resource definition. Its main
purpose is to allow you to monitor failing VSAM data sets.
Many of the attributes cannot be determined until a file that
references the data set has been opened. If this has not
happened, blank values are returned for most attributes.
| Note: CEMT has to retrieve QUIESCESTATE information
| from the ICF catalog. This can slow down processing
| of this command. QUIESCESTATE is not supplied by
| default but is retrieved and displayed if requested.
Input: Press the Clear key to clear the screen. There are
two ways of commencing this transaction:
Type CEMT INQUIRE DSNAME (the minimum abbreviation is
| CEMT I DSN). You get a display that lists the current
| status except QUIESCESTATE. To retrieve
| QUIESCESTATE you can place the cursor at the
| beginning of the displayed item (in front of the Dsn field)
| and press the enter key.
Type CEMT INQUIRE DSNAME (CEMT I DSN) followed by as
many of the other attributes as are necessary to limit the
range of information that you require. So, for example, if
you enter cemt i dsn vs not, the resulting display will
show you the details of only those external data sets
that are VSAM data sets and are not recoverable.
You can then tab to the highlighted or blank fields and
overtype them with the required values.
─ ──CEMT Inquire DSName ───────────────────────
┌ ┐─ALl────────────────
─ ──┼ ┼──────────────────── ─
├┤──(value) ───────────
├ ┤──┬ ┬─VSam─ ──────────
│ │└┘─BDam─
├ ┤──┬ ┬─VAlid─── ───────
│ │└┘─INvalid─
├ ┤──┬ ┬─Path─ ──────────
│ │└┘─BASE─
├ ┤──┬ ┬─FWDRECOVAble─ ──
│ │├┤─NOTrecovable─
│ │├┤─RECOVERAble──
│ │└┘─UNDetermined─
├ ┤──┬ ┬─Static─────── ──
│ │├┤─Dynamic──────
│ │└┘─UNDetermined─
├┤──FRlog(value) ──────
├ ┤──┬ ┬─AVailable─── ───
│ │└┘─UNAvailable─
├ ┤──┬ ┬─NOLostlocks── ──
│ │├┤─REMLostlocks─
│ │└┘─RECOVERLocks─
├ ┤──┬ ┬─RETAined─── ────
│ │└┘─NORetained─
├ ┤──┬ ┬─Quiesced─── ────
│ │└┘─UNQuiesced─
is the default.
specifies one or more names (1-44 characters) of an
external data set.
Sample screen
| Fil(1) Val Bas Sta Ava
| Fil(1) Val Bas Sta Ava
Figure 65. CEMT INQUIRE DSNAME screen
| Note: There are blank fields on the screen. With the
| exception of QUIESCESTATE, these show where a
| value does not apply or is ‘negative’; that is, the value
| begins with ‘No’. To modify these fields, locate them
| by tabbing (they appear in the same sequence as in
| the expanded format), and overtype with input valid
| for that field. You may find it more convenient to use
| the expanded format when setting one of these
| values, (negating is easier because you are
| overtyping a displayed field with its negative causing
| the result to become non-displayed).
Because of the large number of keywords supported for this
command, only two lines of information for each result are
74 CICS Supplied Transactions