This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
IBM ATM Statistics MIB Extensions
These IBM MIB extensions are fully listed in Appendix E, “ IBM ATM Campus
Switch Private MIBs” on page 195.
8.2 IBM Nways Campus Manager ATM Overview
This chapter describes an introduction to the Nways Campus Manager ATM.
This is a state-of-the-art network manager for ATM campus network. Nways
Campus Manager ATM is a fully integrated package of network management
applications for campus ATM networks. This application provides a complete
ATM topology and management package for all ATM-capable IBM devices, such
as ATM switches, ATM concentrators, and ATM bridges. This application is
available on IBM and HP platforms.
Nways Campus Manager ATM provides management of IBM ATM subsystems
and provides device management applications, also called product-specific
modules (PSMs), for stand-alone or integrated (as an ATM module) IBM ATM
hardware devices. Nways Campus Manager ATM provides device configuration
and ATM network topology views that enable network administrators to quickly
determine the status of the network and its components. Also, an ATM
management function is included providing the capability to graphically display
ATM connections on each user-device port (UNI port) of ATM switches. This
feature allows network administrators to perform a visual connection tracking
from one endpoint to another.
The Nways Campus Manager ATM is supported on the following platforms:
Nways Campus Manager ATM for AIX
This package implements three major components:
The functionality sets from the former ATM Campus Manager for AIX:
− ATM Network Topology Management
− ATM Resource Configuration
− ATM Fault Management
− ATM Change Management
− ATM Network Monitoring and Statistics Management
The Management Application Transporter (MAT)
ATM device management applications (PSMs)
Nways Campus Manager ATM for HP-UX
This is the HP-UX version of Nways Campus Manager ATM and is similar to
it in terms of implementation and functionality.
Nways Manager for Windows
This is a simple, straightforward product, but with limited functions. It is best
suited for small ATM networks, such as for the management of stand-alone
ATM workgroup switches.
The main difference to the others are:
148 ATM Workgroup Solutions: Implementing the 8285 ATM Switch