128 Intel® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Module IXM5414E
attempt, all user interfaces are blocked until the RADIUS application returns a response.
Current Server IP Address
The IP address of the current server. This field is blank if no servers are configured.
Number of Configured Servers
The number of RADIUS servers that have been configured. The range for this value
is 0 to 3.
Max Number of Retransmits
The value of the maximum number of times a request packet is retransmitted. The
valid range is 1 - 15.
Timeout Duration (secs)
The timeout value, in seconds, for request retransmissions. The valid range is 1 - 30.
Accounting Mode
Select whether the RADIUS accounting mode is Enabled or Disabled.
Click the Refresh button to update the information on the page.
Click the Apply button to send the updated screen to the switch and cause the changes to take effect
on the switch.
Server configuration
Use this panel to configure the IP address of a RADIUS server. Up to three servers can be
configured for each RADIUS client.