SP (=lect pen) Un WI>
integer, pen number (0 or 1)
This command must be set in order to output.
Pen 0 is white; it is used when no drawing is required or to draw white lines
on a black fill, with transparency off.
Pen 1 is black; values of n greater than 1 are treated as 1.
SR (relative character size) ([width, height (.75, 1.511)
width: clamped real, width of characters, as percentage of [Plx -
height: clamped real, height of characters as percentage of [Ply -
SS (select standard font)
This command selects the font currently designated as standard.
It has the same effect as the shift-in <SI> is the string of a label command
except that the shift remains in effect until an SA command is received.
SV (screened vector) (type [, opt1 [, opt2]])
type: clamped integer
= 0: no screening (optl, opt2 ignored)
= 1: shaded (opt1 = shading percentage, between 0 (white)
and 100 (black); opt2 ignored)
= 2: user defined raster (see RF) (opt1 = index; the pen for
the black pixels is selected as follows: opt2 = 0, black
pen, opt2 = 1, current pen)
= 21 predefined (opt1 = fill type, opt2, ignored)
Without parameters, this command turns off screening.
If opt1 and/oropt2 is missing, the previous and appropriate default values are
With parameters, this command selects the screening (fill) to be used for all
“vectors” (all lines except labels and ‘stroked’ characters).
TD (transparent data) ([mode (0) 1)
mode: clamped integer
= 0: normal
= 1: transparent
This defines how control characters are treated. In the normal mode, such
characters perform their nonnal control functions and are not printed. In the
transparent mode, all control characters are printed (non-printing characters
print as spaces) and do not perform their normal functions.