An example: Say you want to manually print legal-size pages at eight lines
per inch. The following commands combine manual feeding with that page
<ESC> &/2h 112P
If your command specifies a page length different than the paper in the tray,
the printer will go offline and display a message asking for the proper tray.
After you change the tray, press the ON LINE button to restart the printer.
It doesn’t hurt to print short pages on long paper. If you inadvertently print
alegal-size page onto executive or letter-size paper, the printer will scroll that
page across two sheets.
Also, the Page Length command puts all margins back to their defaults. So
after you send it, check whether you have to send any of the following
margin-setting commands.
Side margins
Margin settings define that part of the page on which the printer can print.
You set side margins to particular columns. The width of a column differs for
each font, depending on its pitch. Ten-pitch Courier, for example, puts
column 30 three inches from the left edge of the page (column 0). But 12-
pitch Prestige Elite puts column 30 just two and a half inches in.
You cannot set the left margin further over than the right margin. Use the
following command to set the left margin, setting n to be the column number
where you want the left margin to start:
Similarly, to set the right margin, you send this command with your desired
column number:
<ESC> &a n M
If you want to put both left and right margins back to the printer’s printable
limits- in other words, to “clear” the side margins- send this command:
<ESC> 9