TheEpsonEX-8OOemulationis really versatile. Itlets you havebothofthose
IBM symbol sets plus Epson’s own standard symbol set. This Epson symbol
set is unusual: it contains both upright and italic characters in the same set.
You may also choose from symbol sets for all the countries mentioned above,
plus a second unique set for each of Denmark and Spain.
Default font attributes
When you power on your printer and choose an emulation, the internal fonts
start off with default attributes which you can change as needed. The default
symbol sets depend on the emulation: in the LaserJet III mode the default is
Roman-g, in Proprintermode it’s IBM Set 1, and in Epson EX-800 mode it’s
Epson Std USA.
Besides these, all internal fonts default to portrait orientation, upright style
(not italics) and medium boldness. The table below shows their other default
Typeface Spacing Pitch Font height
Courier monospaced 10 12 point
Line Printer
monospaced 16.6
8.5 point
Technically, you can use any of the Star LaserPrinter 8111’s resident fonts
when you send commands emulating a particular printer. But each emulation
only prints properly with the fonts designed for it. Furthermore, you can only
use symbol sets, or arrangements of those fonts, which that emulation can
handle. So be aware that, if you try using fonts other than those recommended
for a particular~emulation, you will usually get printing in the emulation’s
default font.
If you want a character that’s not in the font you’re using, don’t hesitate to
grab it. Just send the Escape sequences that select your desired symbol set,
print with it, then go back to your original font.
You can see which fonts are currently selected on your Star LaserPrinter 8111
by printing a status sheet in offline mode, as mentioned at the beginning of
this chapter. Another TEST mode menu item, described in the Star
LaserPrinter 8111 Operations Manual, also lets you print out a list of all the
, fonts available on the printer at any given moment.