Temperature Sensor
ADCON3 =(decimation>>8) & 0x07; // MSB of decimation
ADCON1 = 0x01; // bipolar, auto, self calibration, offset, gain
printf (”Calibrating. . .\n”);
for (k=0; k<4; k++)
// Wait for Four conversions for filter to settle
// after calibration
while(!(AIE & 0x20)); // Wait for data ready
lr = bipolar(); // Dummy read to clear ADCIRQ
samples = 10; // The number of voltage samples we will average
ave = 0;
for (i = 0; i < samples; i++)
while (!(AIE & 0x20)); // Wait for new next result
ave += bipolar() * LSB; // This read clears ADCIRQ
volts = ave/samples;
temp = ALPHA * volts − 282.14;
printf (”V=%f, resistance=%f, Temp=%f degrees C\n”,
volts, resistance, temp);
}// while
} //main
This program first configures the ADC, allows the ADC to self-calibrate, and
then enters a loop where the temperature is sampled and reported to the user
via the serial interface.