Texas Instruments MSC1210 Power Supply User Manual

8052 Instruction Set
8052 Instruction Set
INC Increment Reister
Syntax INC register
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
INC A 0x04 1 1 None
INC direct 0x05 2 1 None
INC @R0 0x06 1 1 None
INC @R1 0x07 1 1 None
INC R0 0x08 1 1 None
INC R1 0x09 1 1 None
INC R2 0x0A 1 1 None
INC R3 0x0B 1 1 None
INC R4 0x0C 1 1 None
INC R5 0x0D 1 1 None
INC R6 0x0E 1 1 None
INC R7 0x0F 1 1 None
INC DPTR 0xA3 1 2 None
INC increments the value of register by 1. If the initial value of register is 255
), incrementing the value causes it to reset to 0.
The carry flag is not set when the value rolls over from 255 to 0.
In the case of INC DPTR, the two-byte value of DPTR is incremented as an
unsigned integer. If the initial value of DPTR is 65 535 (0xFFFF
), increment-
ing the value causes it to reset to 0. Again, the carry flag is not set when the
value of DPTR rolls over from 65 535 to 0.
See also: ADD, ADDC, DEC