Additional Features in the MSC1210 Compared to 8052
A.1 Additional Features in the MSC1210 Compared to 8052
The MSC1210 includes the following features in addition to those that are in-
cluded in a standard 8052 microcontroller.
- Flash memory, up to 32k partitionable as program and/or data memory.
- Low-voltage/brownout detection.
- High-speed core: 4 clocks per instruction cycle.
- Dual data pointers (DPTR).
- 1280 bytes on-chip SRAM (256 bytes internal RAM, 1024 bytes address-
able as external RAM)
- 2k boot ROM
- 32-bit accumulator
- Watchdog timer
- Master/Slave SPI with DMA
- 16-bit PWM
- 24-bit ADC