Battery Maintenance
976-0043-01-02 C–15
Equalization Charging
Purpose An equalize charge helps to remove sulfate buildup on the battery plates
and balances the charge of individual cells.
Effect Equalize charging also produces gassing which stirs up the electrolyte
mixture and helps distribute the acid more evenly.
Batteries that are not equalize charged can be damaged by sulfate
accumulation, thus sealing off a percentage of the plates and reducing
battery capacity. They may also have sulfuric acid accumulate at the
bottom of the battery, potentially damaging the plates. At the same time,
the electrolyte at the top of the battery gets watery. This effect is called
Frequency Every month or two the batteries should be equalize charged.
Note: If the battery temperature is allowed to fall to extremely cold
temperatures, the inverter with a BTS may not be able to properly recharge cold
batteries due to maximum voltage limits of the inverter. Ensure the batteries are
protected from extreme temperatures.
CAUTION: Damage to DC Loads
The high voltages reached during an equalize charge may damage DC loads that
are connected to the inverter. Disconnect any DC loads from the inverter before
running an equalize charge.
CAUTION: Damage to Batteries
Equalization should be done for standard electrolyte vented batteries only. Sealed
or GEL cell batteries should not be equalize charged. Consult your battery
supplier for details on equalize charging for the battery type in your system.