System Features
CS-5200/5400 ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE, ISSUE 1.1 – August 2005
Page 144 ACD Call Distribution
ACD Call Distribution
When an intercom or outside call is transferred or rings in to the ACD hunt group, it can circu-
late in linear or distributed order (as described on page 134) or using one of the following ACD
distribution methods:.
• Longest Idle: An incoming
call is sent to the endpoint
that has not been involved in
a call to this hunt group for
the longest period of time. (It
does not count calls that were
received through other hunt
groups, direct ring-ins, or
• Balanced Call Count: To
balance the call load, each
incoming call is sent to the
endpoint that has received the
fewest calls through this hunt
group. (It does not count calls
that were received through
other hunt groups, direct ring-
ins, or transfers.)
If an extension list is included in an ACD hunt group set for Longest Idle or Balanced Call
Count distribution, it will treat each endpoint in the extension list as a separate agent; it will
not ring all of the endpoints on the list at the same time. If the hunt group is set for linear or
distributed order, a call will ring all endpoints on an extension list at the same time when the
call reaches that point in the hunt group list.
ACD Agent IDs
ACD hunt group members are referred to as “agents.” Agents log in to the ACD hunt group to
receive calls and log out to halt ACD hunt group calls. An ACD hunt group can be pro-
grammed to circulate calls to agents in two ways:
• Agent IDs: If the hunt group is programmed to use ACD Agent IDs, each agent is
assigned an Agent ID number which he or she enters during the login procedure
(described below). The hunt group calls are routed to logged in agents, according to
their Agent ID number instead of their endpoint extension. Because the Agent ID is not
associated with any endpoint extension, the agent can use any endpoint in the system to
log in and does not have to use the same endpoint every time.
The Restart ACD Idle Time Upon Login flag affects how the longest idle
time is calculated. See
page 147 for more information.
When an agent logs in to a balanced call count ACD hunt group (or
comes out of Do-Not-Disturb mode), the system checks the average call
count for that ACD hunt group and assigns that average count to the end-
point logging in. This prevents the agent who is logging in from receiving
all of the incoming calls until the call count of the lowest agent catches up
with his call count. For example, if there are five agents logged in whose
call counts are 5, 5, 5, 10, and 10, the average call count of 7 will be
assigned to the next agent who logs in.
Ext. 2000
Ext. 1000
Ext. 1001
Ext. 1002
Ext. 1003
Next call will be sent here
(3 min.)
(10 min.)
(6 min.)
(1 min.)
Ext. 2000
Ext. 1000
Ext. 1001
Ext. 1002
Ext. 1003
Next call will be sent here
(10 calls)
(16 calls)
(6 calls)
(3 calls)