Administrator Procedures
CS-5200/5400 ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE, ISSUE 1.1 – August 2005
Placing the Local System in Day or Night Mode
Page 23
System Administrator Procedures
With a System Administrator phone, you can perform the following procedures:
• Place the local node in night or day mode
• Place other network nodes in night or day mode
• Set the date and time of the local node
• Set the network date and time
• Synchronize clocks in the network
• Make database changes (see page 26 for a list of programming areas)
• Enable, disable, and reset local and off-node call processing application modems
• Program System Speed Dial numbers on the local node
• Receive and clear displayed system and network alarms
• Use diagnostic mode features:
— Freeze and unfreeze the database history for the local node or any node in the net-
work using programmed freeze zones
— Print error logs
— Seize specific devices for troubleshooting purposes
Placing the Local System in Day or Night Mode
You can use a System Administrator phone to place the local node in day or night mode. The
day or night mode selects preprogrammed database lists to determine trunk access, toll restric-
tion, emergency outgoing access, etc. for the phones in the system. Active calls are not affected
when the Day–Night mode is changed.
To view Day–Night Mode status:
While on-hook, enter the Night Ring On/Off feature code (9860). You hear a single confirma-
tion tone. The display shows NIGHT MODE IS ON (or OFF). If night mode was turned on,
the display shows THE SYSTEM IS IN NIGHT MODE until day mode is turned on.
Placing Network Nodes in Day or Night Mode
You can use a System Administrator phone to place one or more nodes in day or night mode.
The day–night mode determines which lists the system will use for trunk access, toll restric-
tion, etc.
The network determines the day/night mode status of a call based on the day/night mode status
of the node where the trunk resides.
To turn night mode on:
1. While on-hook, enter the Enable Network Night feature code (9861).
2. When prompted to enter a node number., enter 01–63 for the desired node number. To
select all nodes, enter 00.
You hear a single confirmation tone. The display shows NIGHT MODE IS ON. Then
the display shows NODE X IS IN NIGHT MODE until day mode is turned on.
To turn day mode on:
1. While on-hook, enter the Enable Network Day feature code (9862).
2. When you are prompted to enter a node number, enter the desired node number.
You hear a single confirmation tone. The display shows DAY MODE IS ON.