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Voice Processing Prompts
CS-5200/5400 ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE, ISSUE 1.1 – August 2005
324 Zero is not a valid entry. To spell a name, please press the associated number
on the phone dialpad with the desired letter of the person's name you are
entering. For the letter A, press the number 2 button once. for the letter B,
press it twice and for the letter C, three times. When you are finished, press
325 Please select the days of the week.
326 To select individual week days, press 3.
327 Service is set for Monday through Friday.
328 Service is set for each day of the week.
329 Recording canceled.
330 The system was busy and could not deliver message notification at the speci-
fied time.
331 The system was unable to deliver message notification due to a programming
332 Extension ID...
333 ...the operator.
334 ...the operator...
335 Remote Messaging will call...
336 To change a cascade level, press 1.
337 To select a message notification category, press 4.
338 Please enter the cascade level you wish to program.
339 ...with a pager number of...
340 To change the pager dial string, press 3.
341 To call an internal extension, press 1.
342 To call an outside number, press 2.
343 Not used.
344 Please enter the digits for your digital pager and wait for further instructions.
345 The new pager number is...
346 Mailbox Number
347 New Message Count
348 Pause
349 You must program a telephone number first.
Table 42. Voice Prompts: BVM, EM, and VPU (Continued)