Error codes
3.1 Error codes
3.1.1 Error code lists
When any error occurs, the corresponding error code is output to the error code display column (indicated by D of the screen
on page18).
(1) Communication error (inverter side)
(2) Inverter error
(3) Communication error (personal computer side)
3.1.2 Panel-displayed errors
Error Code (HEX) Error Name Definition
0(00H) Computer NAK error
The number of errors consecutively detected in communication data from the computer is
greater than the permissible number of retries.
1(01H) Parity error The parity check result does not match the specified parity.
2(02H) Sumcheck error
The sum check code in the computer does not match that of the data received by the inverter.
3(03H) Protocol error
Data received by the inverter is in wrong protocol or data receiving is not completed within
the predetermined time.
4(04H) Framing error The stop bit length differs from the initial setting.
5(05H) Overrun error
New data has been sent by the computer before the inverter completes receiving the
present data.
7(07H) Character error The character received is invalid (other than 0 to 9, A to F, control code).
Error Code (HEX) Error Name Definition
Outside parameter
Data outside the setting range was specified for the running frequency (running speed),
parameter write or like.
18(12H) Operation mode error The present operation mode is not allowed to perform. Change the operation modes.
19(13H) Running The inverter is running.
Parameter write inhibit
Parameter write is inhibited.
22(16H) No parameters There are no parameters or related parameters have not been set.
23(17H) No options The preset option is not connected to the inverter.
24(18H) Narrow error
There is no difference of analog value settings between
Pr. 902 and Pr. 903, Pr. 904 and Pr. 905,
Pr. 917 and Pr. 918, Pr. 919 and Pr. 920, and Pr. 932 and Pr. 933
26(1AH) Instruction code error A non-existing instruction code was sent to the inverter.
Running in present
Mode change etc. cannot be made since the inverter is running in the present operation
34(22H) With STF Mode change etc. cannot be made since the forward rotation command is entered.
35(23H) With STR Mode change etc. cannot be made since the reverse rotation command is entered.
Operation mode
Cannot be executed in the present operation mode.
37(25H) Pr. 75 specified Since Pr. 75 is specified, inverter reset cannot be executed.
Other communication
The malformed data is included in the data received on the inverter.
Error Code (HEX) Error Name Definition
2000 Normal termination Communication terminated without fault.
2001 Time-out occurrence Communication with the inverter cannot be made.
2002 Send data error occurrence Send data error
2003 Checksum error The sum check code value of the data received by the computer is invalid.
2004 Receive data error Data from the inverter is invalid.
2005 NAK receive NAK data has been received.
2006 Line offline The present line is offline.
2007 Unconnected This station number is not yet connected.
Station number duplicated
There are multiple inverters with the same station number (Pr.547) by USB
Display Definition
Program setting environment is invalid. Redo setup again.
There is no program file read from the EXE file.
The program storage area (directory) is different.
Data directory is invalid. After starting, make environmental setting.
The data storage area (directory) setting is invalid.
The following file is not found. The program is terminated. The user file is not in the specified storage area (directory).
Time-out occurred. Check the wiring and communication settings.
Communication stopped for some reason in the online mode.
After the time-out occurred at USB connection, remove and insert the
USB cable or reset the inverter before restarting a communication.