Chapter 5: Configuration
Restoring A Profile
128 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
Perform The Operation
• Choose t he Backup bu tton to star t t he pr ocess, and cre ate a profile.
5.7.2 Restoring A Profile
To manually rest ore a profile:
• Choose Restore Selected Profile from the drop- down menu, a nd choo se
the Profile Name displayed in the drop- down menu.
Note: You can also manually restore an auto restore profile located in flash or a
storage device.
5.8 The Storage Manager
The Storage Manager al lo ws t he u ser to vi ew i nfor mati on about th e s tor age devi ces
that are pres ent in t he W ORKABOUT PRO, such as SD-MMC fl ash c ards and
Compact Flash c ards .
5.8.1 Formatting A Memory Card
Formatting a memory card bulk- eras es i t. Onc e a ca rd i s er ase d, par ti tions may be
created i n it , si mi la rly to t hose on a hard dr ive . Memory-card devic es a re no rmall y
‘mounted ’ ( mad e ava ilable to t he sy stem) automati cal ly when they are inserted.
They must b e dis mounte d bef ore they can be formatted.
To format an ent ire me mory ca rd: