
Chapter 5: Configuration
Creating Partitions
130 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
1. Tap the New but ton ne xt t o the Partitions list box. The Create New
Partition dialog b ox appe ars :
2. Type a name for the partition.
3. If more tha n one pa rt iti on is desired, unc heck t he Use All Available
Disk Space che ckbox , then specify the desi red number of sector s t o be
used by the pa rtition:
Note: The sector size of the card is given on the left-hand side of the Storage
Properties dialog.
4. Tap OK. The new parti tion appears in the Pa rt itions li st:
The new partition is auto matically mounted. This is indicat ed by an asterisk (*) next
to its name in the pa rtiti on list. Any unal located space on the car d is indica ted at the
left, and a ddit io nal partitions can be creat ed in it .