Chapter 3: Getting To Know Your WORKABOUT PRO
Onscreen Indicators
46 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
802.11 Radio Signal Quality
Increasi ng r adio signal quali ty i s r epre sent ed by long er, filled bars wi thi n thi s i con.
Docking Device
When a hand- hel d is inserted in a dock ing s tat ion or charger, an associate d ic on
appears i n the tas kbar.
This icon di spl ayed in t he taskbar re pre sent s t he installed Bluetooth radio.
Security Level
Security l eve ls c an be set to limit user acc ess. In addit ion, a ppli cat ions can be
restri cted to preve nt inadvert ent c hanges.
Wireless WAN
These icons provi de a ccess to and i nfor mati on abou t t he WORKABOUT PRO
GSM/GPRS wide area net worki ng st atus . Refer to Appendi x B: “Wireless WAN”
for detai ls about eac h of t hes e taskbar ic ons.
Dialer Icon
The diale r ( phone ) icon is di spl ayed when the Vo ice opt ion is ava il able ( a SI M card
and GPRS radi o ar e in stalled). You can acces s t he phone dia ler by double-ta pping
on this ic on. Wh en you h ave a n act ive call, the dialer icon flas hes ye ll ow and then
Good No Radio
Reception Link