
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Data Transfer Between The PC & The Hand-Held
20 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
2.6 Data Transfer Between The PC & The Hand-Held
Data trans fer opt ions vary sli ght ly depending on t he t ype of oper at ing s yst em
install ed i n your PC. Microsoft
is PC connectiv ity software tha t ca n
be used to connect your hand-held to P Cs runn ing t his software. Acti veSyn c works
only with t he Windows XP SP2 operating syst em or e arl ier.
If the Micr osof t
operating system is installed in your PC, ActiveSync is not
required to transfer data between your WORKABOUT PRO and your PC.
By connectin g the WORKABOUT PRO to a PC with a cabl e, you c an:
View WORKABOUT PRO file s fr om Windows Explorer.
Drag and d rop fil es be tween the WORKABOUT PRO and the PC in the
same way that you would betwee n PC dri ves .
Back up WORKABOUT PRO file s to the PC, t hen r est ore the m from the
PC to the hand- hel d agai n, i f needed, and so on.
2.6.1 Using Microsoft® ActiveSync®
To install Act iv eSync, f oll ow the step-by -step instructions provide d wit h the
program’s setup wizar d. Ref er t o the following website for detail s:
http:// www.micros oft.com/windowsmobil e/ activesync/activesync4 5.mspx
2.6.2 Using Microsoft® Vista®
If you have W indows Vista, your WORKABOUT PRO data transfers do not require
ActiveSync. To tr ansf er data between your PC and your hand-h eld:
Tap on Start>Computer to display the dri ves . Your WORKABOUT PRO
will be vis ibl e he re.
Open dri ves, f il es a nd fol der s as you woul d on your PC.
2.7 Voice – Using The Phone Dialer
If the WWAN modem is inst al led and ena bled, the Phone icon and the GSM signa l
strength icon will appe ar a utomat ic all y on the taskbar.
Double cl ic k on t he phone icon to acce ss t he voice dialer.
You can also follow the st eps be low t o access the ph one di ale r:
To access t he di al er, tap on Start>Settings>Control Panel.
Tap on the Wireless WAN icon, and then ta p on t he Voice tab.