WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 141
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
When this para meter is enabl ed, t he s canne r t rans mits dat a fr om PDF4 17 and
MicroPDF417 bar co des containing Char act er Set ECIs, even when th e ECI
Protocol i s di sabl ed.
ECI Decoder
Setting t his parameter to on enables the scanner t o i nter pret any Exte nded Cha nnel
Interpr eta tions (ECIs) s uppor ted by the sca nner. This para me ter has no effect on
symbols that were not encoded usi ng ECIs.
If this parameter is set to off and a symbol that was encoded using an ECI e scap e is
scanned, the scanner tra nsmit s t he ECI escape fol lowed by th e dat a that was not
inte rpreted. Code 39
Setting t his parameter to on enables “Code 39 ”.
Enable Trioptic Code 39
Note: “Trioptic Code 39” and “Full ASCII” should not be enabled simulta-
neously. The scanner does not automatically discriminate between these
two symbologies.
Triop tic Code 39 symbols alwa ys con tai n si x char act er s. Set ti ng th is parameter to
on allows thi s t ype of symbology to be recognize d.
Convert To Code 32
Note: “Code 39” must be enabled in order for this parameter to function.
Setting t his parameter to on allows t he s canne r t o conve rt the bar code f rom “Code
39” to “Code 32”.
Code 32 Prefix
Note: “Convert to Code 32” must be enabled in order for this parameter to
When this para me ter is enabl ed, t he pr ef ix characte r “A” i s ad ded to all “Code 32”
bar codes.