Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
140 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
Raster Height And Raster Expand Rate
These paramet er determine the l ase r pa tt ern’s height and r at e of e xpans ion.
Note: These parameters are only used when either Programmable Raster or
Always Raster is assigned to the “2D Scanning Mode” parameter.
“2D Raster Height” and “2D Raster Expand Rate” are intended for very
specific applications and are usually not required for normal scanning
Double-tapp ing on this paramet er di spl ays a dialog box in which y ou can enter a
value fro m
1 to 15. Decoded (Internal) Data Options
Transmit Code ID Char
A code ID ch ara cte r id enti fi es the scanne d bar code type. In addit ion t o any single
chara cte r pr efi x al ready select ed, t he c ode I D c hara cter is in ser ted b etween the
prefix an d the decoded symbol.
When you double- tap on thi s par amet er, a dialog box is di spl ayed in which you ca n
choose a tr ansmi t cod e: None, AIM or Symbol.
Scan Data Format
This paramet er a ll ows you t o cha nge t he scan data trans mission format.
Double-tapp ing on “Scan Data F ormat” displa ys th e fol lo wing opt ions from which
you can choose a data format: dat a ( as- is) , dat a [S1 ], dat a [ S2], da ta [S1][S2],
[P] data, [P] data [S1], [P] data [S2] and [P] data [S1][S2].
Prefix [P], Suffix [S1] And Suffix [S2]
A prefix and/ or one or two suf fixes may be appended t o sc an dat a f or us e in data
When you double-t ap on these parameters, a dialog box is dis pla yed i n which you
can enter a val ue f rom 0 to 255.
Delete Char Set ECIs
Setting t h is para me ter to on enables the sca nner to de let e any escape se quenc es
represent ing Character Set ECIs – Extended Ch annel Interp retations (als o known as
GLIs) from it s buffer before tra nsmission.