WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 145
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
Suffix Char
This charact er , if non-zer o, is added after a succe ssfully decoded bar code. Pre ss the
key you want to insert in the dialog box attached to t his para me ter. The
ASCII/Unicode k ey val ue of th e keypr ess is dis play ed.
Strip Leading
This paramet er de ter m ines the number of character s t hat will be r emoved f rom th e
beginning of the bar code b efor e t he pr efi x character is added.
Note: The appended character is treated as any other keyboard character.
For example, if [BKSP] is pressed, the usual action for that key
is performed.
Strip Trailing
The value ent ered in thi s parameter dete rmines the number of charact ers that wi ll be
removed from th e end o f t he bar code before the s uffix char act er is a dded. EAN 8
Set this parameter to ON to enab le “ EAN 8” .
EAN-8 Zero Extend
When this para meter is enabled, five lea ding zeros ar e add ed to decoded EAN-8
symbols, making them compatible in format to EAN-13 symbols. Disabling this
parameter r et urns EAN-8 symbols to their n ormal format.
See “Prefi x/Suffix” beginni ng on pa ge 144. UPC A
Set this parameter to on to e nabl e “UPC A”.
UPC-A, Check Digit
If you enabl e t his p ara me ter, the check digit i s included with the decoded ba r
code data.