VIII WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
ThirdPartyConfig C-6
Window s Zero C onfig (WZC) C-6
WLAN, connecting to 14
SD/MMC Card, inserting 49
Security Level 148
security level icon 46
Security Settings 63
changing password 64
configuring tas kbar 64
level 63
Supervisor 63
Teklogix 63
User 63
Servers, Bluetooth Co ntrols 114
Services 23
Services, Bluetooth Controls 112
Set Length L1 142
Set Length L2 142
Set PIN, Bluetooth Controls 113
Control Panel 69
Network and Dial-up conn ections 69
Run 69
Taskbar and St art Me n u 69
SE 955 scanner specs 254
SHIFT Key 37
Cold Reset 71
Suspend 70
Warm Reset 71
Shutdown (Start Menu ) 70
signal quality, 802.11 46
SIM card, inserting 49
single battery char ger ( WA3001) 221
SIP (Soft Input Panel 81
Sled See vehicle cradle. 228
SMS Configuration B-16
Soft Input Pan el (SIP) 81
Soft Scan Timeout 201
SPACE Key 37
SE 955 scanner 254
Start/Stop Transmit 161, 177, 183
Start Menu 62
cycle tasks 68
desktop 63
Run 70
Security 63
Settings 69
Shutdown 70
system tray 67
task manager 68
Strip Leading 143, 145
Strip Start/Stop Chars 155
Strip Trailing 143, 145
stylus (touch pen), using 55
Styl us P ropert ie s 103
Double-tap (st yl us s ensi t iv ity) 103
Suffix 140
Suffix Char 143, 145
Summit Client Utility (SCU) 14, C-1
super high-capacity battery pack
(WA3010) 250
Supervisor security level 63
Supp. Redundancy (Code 128) 147
Supplementals (UPC-EAN) 147
Suspend (Sh utd own menu) 70
Suspend Timeout 99
swap time (for battery) 33
symbologies, bar cod e 135
system tray 67
TAB Key 38
target dot, duration of 137
customizing 60
onscreen indicators
battery gauge 45
dialer, phon e 46
docking devices 46
modifier keys 45
phone dialer 46
security level 46
Wireless WAN 46
802.11 radio s ignal qu ality 46
using 59
task manager 68
Teklogix security level 63
TekTerm application 79
Telepen 165, 187
tether port pinout A-1
text conventio ns 4
TLC-39 168
Total Recall
backup profile, creating 124
backup profile, resto ring 128
touch pen, usi ng 55