WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 201
Chapter 5: Configuration
Options Display Parameters
Scan Result
When this para meter is enabl ed, t he t ype of bar code and t he r esul t of the scan
appear on t he screen. Note t h at thi s i nfor mati on is only disp laye d af ter a succes sful
decode and is visible only while the sc anner tr igg er i s pr essed. When the trigger is
released, this i nfor mati on is cleare d fr om the screen.
Scan Indicator
When this para me ter is enabl ed, t he l ase r war ning l ogo appears on the d ispl ay
whenever the scanner i s ac ti vat ed.
Scan Result Time (sec)
The value ass igned to t he “Scan Resul t Time (sec)” parameter det ermines ho w long
the scan results of a successful sca n are displayed on the screen. Time i s measured in
seconds, and a val ue of “0” (zero) disables the parameter. When you c hoose thi s
option, a di alog box appear s wher e you c an ent er a val ue.
Note: To remove the scan result from the screen before the “Result Time” has
expired, point the scanner away from the bar code and press the trigger.
Good Scan Beep And Bad Scan Beep
These paramet ers determine whet her o r not the hand- hel d emit s an a udib le s canner
‘beep’ whe n a good (success ful) sca n or a bad (unsucce ssf ul) s can is perfo rmed. Set
these par ame ter s t o ei ther on t o ena ble the beepe r or off to disable it .
Soft Scan Timeout
This paramet er i s us ed by t he SDK “Sca n” f unction (soft-s can: st arting a sc an
session vi a t he SDK func ti on, instead of a physical user t rig ger press). Th e val ue
assigned t o thi s pa ramet er determine s th e sof t- scan ti meo ut f rom 1 t o 10 se c.
(defa ult is 3 sec.).
Scan Log File
If this parameter is enabled, the inp ut barcode a nd the modified/tr anslated output bar
code are l ogged i n the file \Fla sh Dis k\Sc anLog.t xt. Keep in mind th at i f t he “Sc an
Log File ” is enab led, there i s a sl ig ht pe rformance effect whe n per for ming multiple
scans since the log file is wri tt en t o per sistent st ora ge.