Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (HHP)
156 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
If this para me ter enab led, a ny Code 39 bar code that contains a space as t he fi rs t
characte r wil l be “stored in memor y”. Once a Code 39 barc ode containi ng a
non-sp ace first ch aract er is scanned , this bar code wil l be appended to the bar codes
containi ng the spac es and the imager wil l tran smit the ALL t he data. The spaces ar e
then removed.
This is a numer ic (0- 9) f ixe d len gth barcode use d by I tal ian phar ma cie s. It is als o
referred to as Code 32 Pharmacode and is a for m of Code 39.
If thi s paramet er is ena bled, the c haracte rs +, %, and / are used as escape char acters .
The combinati on of an es cape charact er a nd the next char act er is converted to a n
equivalent ASCII character.
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details . Trioptic Code
This code is used for lab ell ing mag neti c st or age medi a.
Note: If you are scanning Code 32 Pharmaceutical codes, Trioptic Code must
be off. Code 128
Setting t h is para me ter to on enables “Code 128”.
ISBT Concatenation
These codes are not conca tenated by defaul t. You need to set t his par amete r to on to
send concat enat ed code.