Chapter 5: Configuration
Translations Tab
204 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
• Match and r epl ace at i ndex – matches t he matc h st ring at a spe cif ied index
and rep lac es/ chang es i t.
• Replace at inde x – re places/chan ges un speci fied data i n a gi ven range .
• Add barco de pr efi x/suf fi x – adds a global prefix or s uffix.
• Verify barcode siz e – ver if ie s the bar code s ize . This rule sho uld g ener all y
be assigne d first, bef ore creating sub seque nt r u le s.
Note: Keep in mind that the effects of previously applied rules must be taken
into account when creating subsequent rules. For example, if the bar code
size is important, it should be checked before any rules that might change
the size are applied.
Trans lat ion inf ormation about t he s tat us of eac h case/rule is disp layed in the s can
log file (se e “Sca n Log File” on pag e 201) when enable d. This is useful if a c ase
fails, an d you ar e t ryi ng to determine why a r ule i s f ail ing.