WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 71
Chapter 4: Working With Windows CE 5.0
Using A Dialog Box
Warm Reset
The Warm Reset option resets the WORKABOUT PRO, leavi ng a ll saved files and
(regist ry) settings inta ct. Any unsaved dat a i s los t.
Cold Reset
The Cold Reset optio n re set s t he WORKABOUT PRO (see page 26). Any files not
stored in perman ent memory are los t; however, the registry se ttings are save d.
4.5 Using A Dialog Box
A dialog box ( like the sampl es i n Figu re 4.14) appears when you nee d to make
selecti ons a nd enter further information. You can move between di al og it ems by
tapping on t hem wit h your sty lus, or by pressing the arr ow keys a nd th e [TAB] key
([SHIFT] [TAB] moves t he cur sor backwards).
Figure 4.14 Dialog Boxes
Note: You can use the stylus to tap on an element in a dialog box to select or
deselect it, display drop-down menus, save your selections, and so on.
Dialog boxes cont ain one or more of the fol lowi ng el ements :
Tab: A tab separates dif fere nt eleme nts of a dialog box. Press the [TAB] key unti l a
tab in t he dial og box i s highl ighted. To display adjoini ng tabs , press the [ RIGHT] or
[LEFT] arrow ke y. To display t he i nformation in the next tab from any whe re i n t he
window, press [CTRL] [TAB] .
Drop-down Menu