Chapter 7: Specifications
Battery Specifications
246 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
- USB 2.0 full spee d
- SIM card inter fa ce 3 V, 1.8 V
- I2C bus
Embedded (920 kbps serial int er fac e)
Bluetooth Versi on 1.2 compliant (f eat ure s Adapt ive Frequ ency
Hopping fo r b ett er co-exis ten ce wi th 802.11 radio)
Chip Antenna 2dBi peak
Transmit Power -3dBm (0.5mW) minimum, +4dBm (2.5mW) max
Frequency Range 2.400 - 2.4835 GHz
RX Sensitivi ty -80dBm max
Data Rate 732.2 kbps and 57.6 kbps asymmetr ic ,
433.9 kbps symmet ri c
7.3 Battery Specifications
7.3.1 High-Capacity (Model WA3006) Electrical Specifications
Note: The electrical specifications apply for ambient temperature TAMB of 0° to
°C unless otherwise stated.
Item Description Specification Remark
1 Interface C hipset Maxim DS27 62 -
2 Rated Voltage 3.7V Typical
3 Rated C a pac ity 30 00m Ah Typical
4 Rated Cha rge Cur rent 1.5A Maximum
5 Char ge Voltage 4 .2 +/- 0.05V Maximum
6 Discharge Cut-off volta ge 2.6V Typical
7 Discharge Cur rent
Constant volta ge
Current limited
8 Discharge Curr ent 0.5C (-20°C to 60° C) Typical
9 Internal R e sis tan ce 200 m Maximum