Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
Operating One Dimensional (1D) Laser Scanners
234 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
cedure or t h e ba r cod e.
• Check t he bar code t o ma ke sure it is not damaged. Try scanning a di f ferent
bar code to verify t hat the problem is not with t he ba r code.
• Check th at t he bar code is within the pr oper range.
• Does the hand- hel d display the warni ng wit hout scanning? This sugge sts a
hardware pr oble m in the hand-held.
• Is th e la ser beam scanning acr oss the b ar code?
• Once the scan beam has stopped, check t he s canne r win dow for
dirt or f oggi ng.
6.12.3 Operating One Dimensional (1D) Laser Scanners
• Turn th e hand- hel d on. Wai t until th e uni t ha s boot ed up c omplet el y.
Important: If an aiming dot is available on the installed scanner, the dot will
be enabled for a configurable time period (including off), after
which normal scanning begins. Refer to “Dot Time (msec)” on
page 137 for details.
Double-clicking the trigger will override the aiming delay and
initiate an immediate scan. Note that the aiming dot is standard
on long-range and high visibility internal scanners.
• Aim at the bar code an d press the scan key or the tri gger . A scan beam and a
warning indi cat or appear until a success ful decode is ach ieve d or s ix
seconds have elapsed.
6.12.4 Operating Internal PDF Laser Scanners
This scanne r dec odes PDF417 two-dimens iona l bar codes.
• Turn th e hand- hel d on. Wai t until th e uni t ha s boot ed up c omplet el y.
• Aim at the ba r code and press the scan key or the trigger. The beam expands
into a rec tan gle covering the ba r code to prop erl y sca n it . The s can beam
and a warning i ndi cat or are visible until a successful d ecode is a chi eved o r
three sec onds have elaps ed.