Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
18 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
• Tap on the New button to defi ne a ne w config.
• Type a name for your conf igur at ion u sing any alpha-numeric combination
to uniquel y ide nti fy t his config.
• Tap on OK to return to the Config ta b.
• Tap on Commit to save th e config name.
• When a pop-up message indic ates that your config uration will be saved, tap
To configure t he SSID for the network to which you want to as soci ate:
• Type an SSID in the text b ox to t he right of SSID. Thi s field is limite d to 32
chara cters.
• Tap on Commit and then, in the pop-u p me ssa ge, t ap on OK to save your
SSID setting.
Important: To learn more about the other options available in the radio
attributes list, refer to Appendix C, page C-2 EAP Type
• Tap on the EAP type drop -down menu, and choose t he a pprop riate type of
authen tication—LEAP, EAP-FAST, PEAP-MSCHAP, and PEAP-GTC.
• Next, ta p on t he Credentials button, and t ype c rede nti als for IEEE 802 .1X
EAP types.
Important: Refer to Appendix C: Summit Client Utility (SCU) For Model
RA2041, page C-4 for details about security settings. Additional
EAP details are described in “EAP Credentials” on page C-6. Encryption
• Tap on the Encryption drop-down menu , and ch oose the approp ri ate type
of encrypt ion—Manual WEP, Auto WEP, WPA PSK, WPA TKIP,
If you choos e Manual WEP, WPA PSK or WPA PSK:
• Tap on the WEP/PSK Keys button. For Manual WEP, choose up to four
static WEP key s. For PSK, type an ASCII pass phrase or hex PSK.