
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 17
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Using The SCU To Connect To The WLAN
2.4.4 Using The SCU To Connect To The WLAN
This secti on pr ovides a quic k set of s teps to create a profile (referred t o as a
“config”) . Deta il ed informatio n about eac h of the SCU tabs—Main, Config, Status,
Diags and Global Settings—is p rovi ded i n Appendix C: Summit Client Utility
(SCU) For Model RA2041. To la unch t he SCU so that your WORKABOUT PRO
can connect to a wireles s LAN:
Tap on Start>Programs>Summit, and the n ta p on the SCU icon.
Figure 2.3 SCU Main Tab
Tap on the Config tab.
Figure 2.4 SCU Config Tab