WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 213
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
The Batteries
• Faste n the belt comfortably aroun d your waist . Sli de t he a d jus tabl e r ing o n
the belt t o t ight en t he hol st er i n place.
• Connect t he s afe ty t ether to one of t he cl ips on the bot tom of the s o ft shel l
holster. Connect the othe r en d to t he hole in the end of the WORKABOUT
PRO pistol gri p. Thi s te the r wil l c atc h the unit in c ase of a d rop. Th e te ther
can be adjus ted to the operat or’s hei ght. The cl ips wi ll bre ak away i n case
of a severe for ce.
6.2 The Batteries
The WORKABOUT PRO will operate with any of the followi ng Lit hiu m-Ion
battery packs:
• High-Capa cit y – Model WA3006
• Super Hig h-Capa cit y – Model WA3010
In additi on t o the ma in ba tte ry, the ha nd-he ld is equippe d wit h a re pla ceable,
rechargeable Li thi um-Ion backup bat ter y.
6.3 Adaptor Cable Options
The followi ng ar e adap tor s can be ordered for your WORKABOUT G2:
6.4 Chargers And Docking Stations
Important: Keep in mind when ordering a charger or docking station, you
must also order the appropriate power cord separately.
Psion Teklogix of fer s a v ari ety of chargers and docking stations for the
WORKABOUT PRO. These include:
• AC Adaptor–Model No. PS1050 -G1
Model Number Adaptor Cable Description
WA 100 2
Tether to USB device. This cable is used to connect USB
devices such as USB Flash memory devices.
WA402 0- G2 Tether to RS232. This is a full RS232 p ort on C O M2.
WA400 1-G2 Tethe r to USB Client. (For ActiveSync )
WA4010-G1 USB to Ethe rnet a da ptor.
WA 401 5
USB/RS232 a daptor. This cable is use d with do cking station
WA 40 03- G2.