
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 37
Chapter 3: Getting To Know Your WORKABOUT PRO
Activating Modifier Keys Activating Modifier Keys
When a modifier key i s pr essed once, it is d ispl aye d in l ower case letters i n th e
taskbar a t th e bot tom of the hand-held scr een. For exa mple, i f t he [CTRL] key is
ctrl key is displ ayed at t he bot to m of the unit sc reen . On ce t he nex t key is
pressed, t he modif ie r key becomes inactive an d dis appea rs f rom t he t askba r.
Keep in mind, howeve r, that the ‘One Shot’ fun cti on al lows you to dete rmine how
many key presse s wil l l ock a mod ifi er key ‘ on’ – one pr ess or two. Refer to
“Keyboard One Shot Mo des” on page 89 for details. Locking Modifier Keys
When a modifier key i s pr essed twice, it i s ‘l ocke d’ on. A ‘locked’ mod ifi er key i s
displayed in uppercase le tt ers in the taskbar. For exampl e, pr ess ing the [CTRL] key
twice locks it on—it is displayed as CTRL KEY in th e ta skbar at the bott om of t he
computer scr een.
The locked modif ie r ke y will remain ac ti ve unt il it is pressed a third time to unl ock
or turn it off. Once a modi fi er key is unl ocked , the uppercase rep res entation at the
bottom of the screen is no longe r di spl ayed.
3.4.2 The Keys
The [SHIFT] Key
The [SHIFT] key is used to display uppercase alpha chara cters and provide access to
the symbo ls a bove t he numer ic keys.
The Arrow Keys
The Arrow keys move the curs or around the s creen in the direction of the arrow: up,
down, left an d ri ght. The cursor is the flashing box or underli ne cha rac ter that
indicate s wher e the next cha ract er you t ype wil l a ppear.
The [SPACE] Key
Pressing t his key i nser ts a bl ank space betwee n char act er s. In a Windows dialog
box, press ing t he [SPACE] key enabl es or disa bles a checkb ox. On WORKABOUT
PRO S models, this k ey is accessed by ke y combin ati on – [ FN/ORANGE] [0]