Q-Logic SN0054621-00 E Network Card User Manual

4 – Interactive Mode Commands
Port Level Info & Operations Menu
SN0054621-00 E 4-47
List LUN Information
(CLI Option -l)
Select the List LUN Information option to view the following information about
LUNs attached to the selected target:
HBA/Target/LUN Number
Vendor name
Product ID
Product revision
LUN size
You can view this information for a specific LUN or for all LUNs attached to the
selected target. For example:
iSCSI HBA Target Menu
HBA Target Menu
Enter selection: 7
Target ID: 64 IP: Port:
iSCSI Name: iqn.1992-08.com.netapp:sn.51403494
State:Session Active
Enter a Target ID:64
Enter a LUN Number[60.64,65,63,66,100,103,105,104,50,<ALL>]:63
ProdID = LUN
ProdRv = 0.2
LunSize = 4.999 GB
Press the Enter key to continue.
You can also view this information with the -l command. See “-l (List LUN
Information)” on page 5-17.
Save Target/CHAP Changes
(No CLI Option)
Select the Save Target/CHAP Changes option to save any changes you made to
the target or CHAP settings.