Creating A Script File
Decimal Value Of ASCII Characters In Strings
You can enter the decimal value of ASCII characters within character strings. A
decimal value is entered as a three digit number preceded by an underline character.
Decimal values with only two digits must be preceded by a zero.
For example:
_027 means ESC (the Escape character)
_010 means LF (the Line Feed character)
_095 means _ (the underline character)
So "User Identity: _010_013" specifies the string User Identity: followed by a line
feed then carriage return.
ASCII Control Character Abbreviations
As some ASCII control characters are used frequently within a script file, for
example LF (line feed) and CR (carriage return), special abbreviations may be used
instead of their decimal values. The list of valid abbreviations for control characters
is as follows:
_b Backspace (0x08 hex), the equivalent of _008.
_f Form feed (0x0c hex), the equivalent of _012.
_n New line (line feed) (0x0A hex), the equivalent of _010.
_r Carriage return (0x0D hex), the equivalent of _013.
_t Tab (horizontal) (0x09 hex), the equivalent of _009.
So "User Identity: _010_013" may be entered as "User Identity: _n_r"
Boolean Values
When a command requires a boolean value, this can be any of the following where
the value may be abbreviated to the UPPERCASE characters: 0 or 1, No or Yes,
False or True, OFF or ON.