Xerox -05W Printer User Manual

Host Command Summary
Tek Mode
Applies to TeemTalk-11W and TeemTalk-11W32 only.
Applies to TeemTalk-05W & -05W32, TeemTalk-07W & TeemTalk-07W32.
Assign colour index to P0/P1 plotter pen ESC P I * PMAP *
Assign colours to dialog area indices ESC T F * DACMAP *
Assign colours to surface indices ESC T G * CMAP *
Select background grey shade ESC R B * GREYBACK *
Select background surface colour ESC T B * CBACKGROUND *
Select character cell/dash line gap index ESC M B * BACKINDEX *
Select colour/overlap/grey mode ESC T M * CMODE *
Select dialog area surface colour map ESC L S * DASURFACE *
Select dialog area text alternative index ESC L J * DA2INDEX *
Select graphics text colour index ESC M T * GTINDEX *
Select line/panel b/m colour index ESC M L * LINEINDEX *
Select smoothness of curve ESC U G * CSMOOTH *
Select surface indices grey shades ESC R G * GREYCMAP *
Set pixels in rectangle to identical colour ESC R R * PXRECTANGLE *
Specify alpha cursor colour indices ESC T D * ACURSOR *
Specify dialog area colour indices ESC L I * DAINDEX *
Specify index monochrome printing ESC Q I * HCMAP *
Specify pixel colour indices ESC R P * PXRASTERWRITE *
Delete specified dialog area ESC K K * DELDAREA *
Enable dialog area ESC K A * DAENABLE *
Enable dialog area display ESC L V * DAVISIBILITY *
Erase dialog area buffer ESC L Z CLEARDIALOG
Set dialog area hardcopy attributes ESC Q L * HCDAATTRIBUTES *
Specify dialog area maximum line length ESC L C * DACHARS *
Specify dialog area position ESC L X * DAPOSITION *
Specify no. of visible lines in dialog area ESC L L * DALINES *
Specify size of dialog area buffer ESC L B * DABUFFER *
Acivate screen dim ESC K G * DIM *
Backspace BS
Cancel current ESC seq. & display error CAN
Cancel operation & reset ESC K C CANCEL
Carriage return CR
Display command & param. current values STATUS
Display command information HELP
Display decoded value of encoded param. DECODE *
Display encoded value of host com. param. ENCODE *
Enable port to port communications ESC P C * PCOPY *
End spooling ESC J E STOPSPOOL
End write command file to disk ESC A X