Xerox -05W Printer User Manual

Creating A Script File
Syntax: DIALOGUE <title> <caption> <variable> [<x> <y>]
This command enables you to display a simple dialog box with a specified title,
containing two buttons (Ok and Cancel) and a single line text box with a specified
caption, where
<title> is the text to be displayed in the title bar of the dialog box, as specified
by a string delimited by double quotes or a string variable.
<caption> is the text that will appear to the left or above the text box, as specified
by a string delimited by double quotes or a string variable.
<variable> is a previously defined string variable (see var) which is used to store
the text entered in the text box by the user, but only if the Ok button is
pressed, otherwise the variable is set to NULL. Text stored in this
variable will be displayed in the text box by default when the dialog is
viewed again later.
<x> <y> specify the horizontal and vertical position of the top left corner of the
dialog box in relation to the top left corner of the screen in pixels.
These can be integers or variables.
The following example will display a dialog box titled User containing a text box
with the prompt Enter your name:, and cause the text entered in the text box by the
user to be stored in the string variable name when the Ok button is pressed.
dialogue "User" "Enter your name: " name 100 100
The Error Numbers section lists the possible error numbers for this command.
Syntax: DIRFIRST <filename> [<size> <mode> <modtm> <uname> <gname>]
This will get the first entry in the working directory and place it in the previously
defined string variables, where
<filename> is a previously defined string variable (see var) which will store the
name of the file. This is the only variable that must be specified, the
others are optional.
<size> is a previously defined string or integer variable which will store the
size of the file.
<mode> is a previously defined string variable which will store the mode.
<modtime> is a previously defined string variable which will store the time of the
last modification.
<uname> is a previously defined string or integer variable which will store the
user name (UNIX only).