Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 9 7-17
Command Reference
This command returns the most recent relay test result for the specified card.
Syntax :DIAGnostic:TEST:CARD:STATe? card_number
Query response test_result <newline><^END>
1 : Fail
0 : Pass
-1 : Not Tested
Example OUTPUT @Hp5250;":DIAG:TEST:CARD:STAT? 1"
ENTER @Hp5250;A
This command clears test result of the specified E5250A test.
Syntax :DIAGnostic:TEST:FRAMe:CLEar CONTroller | FPANel
Parameter Explanation
card_number card number: 1, 2, 3, 4
Parameter Explanation
CONTroller Controller test
FPANel Front panel interface test