Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 9 8-25
VXIplug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function initializes the software connection to the instrument and optionally
verifies that instrument is in the system. In addition, it may perform any necessary
actions to place the instrument in its reset state.
If the hpe5250a_init function encounters an error, then the value of the vi output
parameter will be VI_NULL.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC hpe5250a_init(ViRsrc InstrDesc, ViBoolean id_query,
ViBoolean do_reset, ViPSession vi);
Parameters InstrDesc Instrument description. Examples; GPIB0::1::INSTR.
id_query VI_TRUE (to perform In-System Verification), or
VI_FALSE (do not perform In-System Verification).
do_reset VI_TRUE (to perform reset operation), or
VI_FALSE (do not perform reset operation).
vi Instrument handle. This is VI_NULL if an error occurred
during the init.
This function does the *OPC? common command.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC hpe5250a_opc_Q(ViSession vi, ViPBoolean result);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from hpe5250a_init( ).
result VI_TRUE (Operation complete), or
VI_FALSE (Operation is pending).