
Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 9 9-37
Executing Sample Programs
HCI Measurement Program
To change Idlin and Gmmax extraction condition
To change Gate voltage and Substrate voltage required for Idlin and Gmmax
extraction, do follows.
1. GET the PARAM.MES setup file by using the 4155/4156.
2. Change the value of Substrate voltage "VB" on the SOURCE SETUP screen.
3. Change the setting of "VG" parameter in "LINE1" on the ANALYSIS SETUP
To change the number of devices
Change the setting of the No_of_devices variable in the "Input Parameters" block.
To test more than 25 devices, you must change the configuration of the E5250A. See
chapter 2.
To change the stress times
Change the data at the DATA statement in the "Stress duration setup" block. Each
data shows the cumulative stress data.
DATA 10, 20, 50
DATA 100, 200, 500
DATA 1000, 2000, 5000
DATA 10000, 20000, 50000
DATA 100000
If you change the number of the data defined in DATA statements, change the value
of the
Meas_points variable in the "Stress duration setup" block.
The value of
Meas_points must be the same number as the number of data defined
in the DATA statements.
In the above example, the number of data in DATA statements is 13. So the variable
for the above example must be set as follows.