Agilent Technologies Agilent E5250A Switch User Manual

8-28 Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 9
VXIplug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function places the instrument in a default state. Before issuing this function, it
may be necessary to send a device clear to ensure that the instrument can execute a
reset. A device clear can be issued by invoking hpe5250a_dcl function.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC hpe5250a_reset(ViSession vi);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from hpe5250a_init( ).
This function returns the driver revision and the instrument firmware revision.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC hpe5250a_revision_query(ViSession vi,
ViChar_VI_FAR driver_rev[ ] , ViChar _VI_FAR instr_rev[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from hpe5250a_init( ).
driver_rev[ ] Instrument driver revision. This is limited to 256 characters.
instr_rev[ ] Instrument firmware revision. This is limited to 256 characters.