11-2 Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 9
Error Messages
This chapter lists and describes the error messages for Agilent E5250A. An error
message consists of an error number and message.
There are two types of error messages:
• Standard SCPI Error Messages
Negative error numbers (Command Error, Execution Error, Device-Dependent
Error, and Query Error) are standard SCPI errors.
• E5250A Specific Error Messages
Positive error numbers are the E5250A specific errors.
Error messages are classified by error number as listed in the following table:
When an error occurs, the corresponding bit is set in the Standard Event Status
Register (see Chapter 7):
Also, the error number and message are placed in the error queue, which can be read
by the :SYSTem:ERRor? query command. The error queue is cleared by the
common command *CLS, and when power is turned on. For these commands, see
Chapter 7.
Error Range Error Category
0No error
-100 to -199 Command Error
-200 to -299 Execution Error
-300 to -399 Device-Dependent Error
-400 to -499 Query Error
100 to 32767 E5250A Specific Error
Error Category
Standard Event
Status Register Bit
Command Error bit5
Execution Error bit4
Device-Dependent Error bit3
Query Error bit2
E5250A Specific Error bit3