Avaya Octel 300 Server User Manual

Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index In-1
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019-01
baud rate, 421
. (dot) UPDATE prompt, 424
: (colon) INSTALL prompt, 424
@ (at sign) Operating system prompt, 424
+ (plus) auto-increment input aid, 1-6
**Empty**, 2-1, 423, 6-13, 7-44
25-pair cable, 3-2, 413
connecting, 426
32-pin telco connector, 2-2
50-pin telco connector, 2-2
Adaptive Integration, 1-1, 2-1–2-11
Called Party Identification, 2-1
CPI call records, 2-1
enhanced DTMF in-band integration, 2-3
mailbox features available, 2-11
MD110, 141
Message Waiting Indication, 2-1
Northern Telecom/NPIC, 13-1
Overture 200/300 proprietary card integrations, 2-5
Overture 200/300 responses to calls
called party identification, 2-10
called party status, 2-9
multicabinet call answering, 2-10
multicabinet messaging, 2-10
RS-232C data link integrations, 2-4
types of, 2-3–2-8
ADD command
collocated analog networking, 1130
digital networking, 1120
remote analog networking, 1113
collocated analog networking, 1215
digital networking, 1211
remote analog networking, 126
collocated analog networking, 107
remote analog networking, 104
Adding features. See Electronic feature
Addressing messages, overlapping mailbox addresses
and network prefixes, 28
Administrative password, 6-14
AI. See Adaptive Integration
Air exhaust, 2-4, 2-5
Air Filter, 9-1
Air filter, 2-4, 2-5
replacement, 9-50–9-51
Air intake, 2-5
diagnostic, test, 6-39
relays, 8-7
Alarm relays, 2-2
alarm scheduling, for hardware errors, 8-6
Alphabetic name
digital networking, 819
OctelNet, 98
AMIS analog networking. See Remote analog
networking, AMIS; Remote analog networking,
Protocol 5
Analog networking
multiple network outcalls, 13
overview, 12–17
AMIS, 12
collocated, 12
gateway, 13
OctelNet, 13
Voicenet, 12
protocols, 14–16
Analog standby for LAN message delivery, digital
networking, 820–821
Announce calls to intercept index, INSTALL
program, 1-22
Answering modes, 3-2
APIC. See Serial Integration Card
Application Delays, 6-46–6-63
how to modify, 6-48, 6-57
how tones are recognized, 6-46
modifiable indexes, 6-50–6-57
APURGE command, 6-10
ASCII name. See Alphabetic name
AT&T Definity Adaptive Integration
configuration requirements, 7.1-7
maintenance commands, 7.1-47–7.1-56
AT&T Definity G3 Adaptive Integration, 7.1-1
ATTIC board installation, 7.1-38
Definity G3 configuration
COR, 7.1-9
coverage paths, 7.1-20
hunt group, 7.1-19
naming conventions, 7.1-8
port extensions, 7.1-17