In-20 Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019-01
Range numbering, mailbox, 1-6
Real-time name problems, digital networking, 8−64
Receiving the equipment, 4−1–4−3
installation checklist, 4−38
Redundancy for network messages, 2−4
networking, 8−10
Reinstallation, 1-4
Remote analog networking, 2−1–2−44, 3−1–3−26,
4−1–4−25, 6−1–6−31
See also AMIS analog networking; OctelNet;
AMIS, 2−1
message length, 3
system number, 2
completing configuration forms, 2−27, 3−7, 4−6, 4,
configuration, 2−27–2−44, 3−7–3−26, 4−6–4−25,
4–22, 6−4–6−31
COS attributes, 2−37–2−40, 3−16–3−17,
4−16–4−18, 14–20, 6−16–6−21
DATA to DTMF translations, 4−24, 20, 6−24
diagnostic tools, 2−40, 3−20, 4−18, 6−21
example, 2−19
gateway, 2−1, 4−1, 1
Protocols 2, 4, and 5, 4−4–4−6
interrelationships of tables, 2−26
LIST HE command, 2−41, 3−21, 4−18
LIST NET command, 2−40, 3−20, 4−18, 6−21
LIST NF command, 2−41, 4−20, 17
location code, 2−6
LOCATION Table, 2−31, 3−11–3−13, 4−10–4−12,
8–10, 6−10–6−12, 11−2–11−16
LOCATION Table form
sample for Protocol 2, 4−11
sample for Protocol 4, 9
sample for Protocol 5, 6−11
sample for Protocols 1 and 3, 3−12
locations with different length mailboxes, 2−8
maintenance and troubleshooting, 2−40–2−43,
3−20–3−26, 4−18–4−25, 17–22, 6−21–6−31
messaging flow, 2−22–2−40
multiple network outcalls, 2−3
NameNet for OctelNet, 9−8–9−9
network error reasons, Protocol 2, 4−24
network error types and remedies
Protocol 4, 18
Protocol 5, 6−23
Network Failure Table, 2−42, 4−20, 17, 6−23
network traffic report, 6−17
numbering plan, 2−6–2−11
NUMBERING PLAN Table, 12−2–12−8
NUMBERING PLAN Table form, 3−14–3−15,
11–12, 6−13–6−14
sample, 2−34, 3−15, 4−14, 12, 6−14
OctelNet, 2−2
alphabetic (ASCII) name, 9−8–9−9
COS attributes, for OctelNet system mailbox, 6−5
fax feature, 6−3
troubleshooting, 6−28
operation, 2−19–2−26
planning, 2−5–2−44, 3−3–3−26, 4−2–4−25, 2–22,
all protocols, 2−5–2−44, 3−3–3−26, 4−2–4−25,
2–22, 6−2–6−31
for off-network extensions, 2−16
Protocol 2 (with VMX 5000/1000), 4−1
Protocol 4 (AMIS), 2
Protocol 5 (OctelNet), 6−2
Protocol 2 (with VMX 5000/1000)
mailbox ID, 4−3
message length, 4−4
Network Deferred mailbox, 4−3
Network Priority mailbox, 4−3
remote node ID, 4−4
Protocol 4 (AMIS)
message length, 3
system number, 2
Protocol 5 (OctelNet)
fax feature, 6−3
message length, 6−3
serial number, 6−2
system mailbox, COS attributes, 6−5
protocols, 2−3
ROUTE Table, 10−2
ROUTE Table form, 2−28–2−30, 3−9–3−10,
4−8–4−9, 6–7, 6−8–6−9
sample, 2−30, 3−10, 4−9, 7, 6−9
routing plan, 2−12
summary information form, 3−7, 4−6, 4, 6−6
Protocol 2, 4−7
Protocol 4, 5
Protocol 5, 6−7
Protocols 1 and 3, 3−8
system parameters, all protocols, 2−36–2−37, 3−16,
4−15–4−16, 13, 6−15–6−16
TEST NET, messages and descriptions, 3−18, 6−19
TEST NET command, 3−17, 6−17
testing, 2−39, 3−17–3−19, 4−17, 15–16, 6−17–6−20
Protocols 1, 3, and 5, 3−17–3−20
traffic pegs, 2−42–2−43, 3−22–3−23, 4−25, 21–22,
traffic report, 2−44
troubleshooting dropped calls, 3−24
troubleshooting network message failures, 2−43,
3−25, 4−25
verification diagnostic, TEST NET command,
3−17, 6−17
Voicenet, 2−1, 3−1, 4−1