264 Configuring Switch Information
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Assigning Ports to VLAN Groups Using CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for assigning ports to VLAN
groups as displayed in the VLAN Port Settings page.
The following is an example of the CLI commands:
Console (config)# interface range ethernet 1/e18 - e20
Console (config-if)# switchport mode access
Console (config-if)# switchport general pvid 234
Console (config-if)# switchport general allowed vlan add 1,2,5,6
Console (config-if)# switchport general ingress-filtering disable
Defining VLAN LAG Settings
The VLAN LAG Settings page provides parameters for managing LAGs that are part of a
VLAN. VLANs are composed of individual ports or LAGs. Untagged packets entering the
switch on a LAG are tagged as specified by the LAG’s PVID. To open the VLAN LAG
Settings page:
• Click Switch > VLAN > LAG Settings in the Tree View. The VLAN LAG Settings
page opens.
CLI Command Description
interface ethernet
Enters the interface configuration mode
to configure an ethernet type interface.
switchport mode {access |
trunk | general}
Configures a port VLAN membership
switchport general pvid
Configure the Port VLAN ID (PVID)
when the interface is in general mode.
switchport general allowed
vlan add vlan-list
[tagged | untagged]
Adds VLANs to a general port.
switchport general allowed
vlan remove vlan-list
Removes VLANs from a general port.
switchport general ingress-
filtering disable
Disables port ingress filtering.