68 Configuring the PowerConnect 3324/3348 Switch
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console(config)# line telnet
console(config-line)# login authentication default
console(config-line)# enable authentication default
console(config-line)# password admin
console(config-line)# exit
console(config)# aaa authentication login default line
console(config)# aaa authentication enable default line
console(config)# line ssh
console(config-line)# login authentication default
console(config-line)# enable authentication default
console(config-line)# password admin
console(config-line)# exit
console(config)# ip http authentication local
console(config)# username admin password admin 15
console(config)# ip https authentication local
console(config)# username admin password admin 15
console(config)# crypto certificate generate key-generate
console(config)# ip https server
console(config)# exit
console# copy running-config startup-config
The device is now configured and is ready for running the Web Management Interface.
Start Running the Management Station
To start running the device perform the following:
1 Define an IP address for the PC which will be used as the remote management station.
From the Windows start menu click Start> Settings > Network and Dial-up
2 Right click on the network connection which is used for management. The connection
properties window is displayed.