Extron electronic MPX PLUS 866 A Switch User Manual

MPX Plus 866 A Media Presentation Matrix Switcher • HTML Operation
Recall a preset
N • Whenpresetsarerecalled via the HTML page, any signal processing
adjustments that were saved as part of the preset (under DSP Configurator
control only) are recalled and overwrite the current audio settings.
• Whenaglobaltiespresetisrecalled,itreplacesthecurrentconguration,
which is lost unless it is also stored as a preset. The recalled preset overwrites
all of the current configuration ties in favor of the preset configuration ties.
• Whenapartialpresetisrecalled,itoverwritesthatportionofthecurrent
configuration addressed by the preset, leaving the rest unchanged.
To recall a preset to be the current configuration, click the button associated with
the desired preset.
Special Characters
The HTML language reserves certain characters for specific functions. The switcher
will not accept these characters as part of preset names, the switcher’s name,
passwords, or locally created file names.
The switcher rejects the following characters:
{space} + ~ , @ = ‘ [ ] { } < > ’ “ semicolon (;) colon (:) | \ and ?.