Using Intelligent Output Terminals
The intelligent output terminals are programmable in a similar way to the intelligent
input terminals. The inverter has several output functions that you can assign
individually to two physical logic outputs. One of the outputs are open-collector
transistors, and the other output is the alarm relay (form C – normally open and
normally closed contacts). The relay is assigned the alarm function by default, but you
can assign it to any of the functions that the open-collector outputs use.
Sinking Outputs, Open Collector
The open-collector transistor
outputs can handle up to 50mA
each. We highly recommend that
you use an external power source
as shown. It must be capable of
providing at least 100mA to drive
both outputs at full load. To drive
loads that require more than 50mA,
use external relay circuits as
shown to the right.
Sinking Outputs, Open Collector
If you need output current greater than
50mA, use the inverter output to drive a
small relay. Be sure to use a diode across
the coil of the relay as shown (reverse-
biased) in order to suppress the turn-off
spike, or use a solid-state relay.
X200 Inverter
Logic output
X200 Inverter
Logic output
Operations and