Intel 253666-024US Computer Hardware User Manual

Vol. 2A 3-451
HSUBPS—Packed Single-FP Horizontal Subtract
Numeric Exceptions
Overflow, Underflow, Invalid, Precision, Denormal.
Protected Mode Exceptions
#GP(0) For an illegal memory operand effective address in the CS, DS,
ES, FS or GS segments.
If a memory operand is not aligned on a 16-byte boundary,
regardless of segment.
#SS(0) For an illegal address in the SS segment.
#PF(fault-code) For a page fault.
#NM If CR0.TS[bit 3] = 1.
#XM For an unmasked Streaming SIMD Extensions numeric excep-
tion (CR4.OSXMMEXCPT[bit 10] = 1).
#UD If CR0.EM[bit 2] = 1.
For an unmasked Streaming SIMD Extensions numeric excep-
tion (CR4.OSXMMEXCPT[bit 10] = 0).
If CR4.OSFXSR[bit 9] = 0.
If CPUID.01H:ECX.SSE3[bit 0] = 0.
If the LOCK prefix is used.
Real Address Mode Exceptions
GP(0) If any part of the operand would lie outside of the effective
address space from 0 to 0FFFFH.
If a memory operand is not aligned on a 16-byte boundary,
regardless of segment.
#NM If CR0.TS[bit 3] = 1.
#XM For an unmasked Streaming SIMD Extensions numeric excep-
tion (CR4.OSXMMEXCPT[bit 10] = 1).
#UD If CR0.EM[bit 2] = 1.
For an unmasked Streaming SIMD Extensions numeric excep-
tion (CR4.OSXMMEXCPT[bit 10] = 0).
If CR4.OSFXSR[bit 9] = 0.
If CPUID.01H:ECX.SSE3[bit 0] = 0.
If the LOCK prefix is used.
Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions
GP(0) If any part of the operand would lie outside of the effective
address space from 0 to 0FFFFH.
If a memory operand is not aligned on a 16-byte boundary,
regardless of segment.